Occasionally when the BSD happens upon certain photos, they strike a deep and often disturbing chord within him, mostly in his nethers, and infrequently, in his blackened heart.
It is in these instances that the BSD, against his better judgment, chooses to share these pictures and his musings with you, the educated, intelligent, gorgeous, and glamourous readers of "the most sophisticated, mondaine, and highly evolved blog of it's (or any) type." (The Atlantic Monthly, February, 2010).
Now that I've got the whole world hanging from my nuts, it's time to take a journey into the fathomless unknown, a place where esoteric and recondite lust meets frivolous and trivial conjecture: The Mind of the BSD.
Come inside. Embrace that subtle curiosity and loose your inhibitions.
It's getting hot in here.

This "Sophisticated Gents" jacket is similar to the one which the BSD is going to produce in an attempt at blatant self-promotion and glorious conceitedness, burrowed amongst pompous brass and pretentious cheek.
However, on the back of the BSD's jacket (which should be available for purchase through the BSD directly sometime before the holidays- grab one for your mom! They make great gifts for people you hate!), it will read:
Damn It Feels Good to be The BSD.
After all, there is a little BSD in all of you. And hopefully, quite soon, there will be a lot more of the BSD in you, ladies.

We all know women are no good at math.

This is just adorable. The BSD was caught unawares that there exist, in reality, special cats. It appears he's trying to figure out an escape and can't be bothered with paying any attention to the camera, and the BSD is quite amused.

I took this picture from the driver's side doorway to my new Mercedes. DIQG refused to leave the car until I had provided her an ample pummeling.

Giving herself fully and completely to the BSD, Jenny peered hopefully and with great longing through her tousled fringe and into the BSD's musty soul, allowing him access to her austere and chaste nave.

The BSD wears his sunglasses at night, so he can, so he can. But he would also rock this jacket and consummately contend with the multitude of cold, misanthropic, distant, drop-dead and sumptuous fawns drawn to his every silky-smooth move.

You're going to have to do better than that, sweetie.
If the BSD gave it up to every harlot who approached him in this manner, he'd be a very tired, very sexy boy.

Her haircut is simply amazing. It also reeks of Daddy Issues.
She looks cool as fuck. I bet, just out of frame, bottom, she's rolling a spliff.

Sharon K, new face at IMG.
OMG. Opulent as fuck.

Well, not as opulent as this. Hot Ass.
If someone would like to photograph the BSD artistically in a manner very similar to this and present it to him as a Shanemas present or to the Louvre for permanent collection status, he is willing to hear proposals and negotiate a rate through his agent.
For all pertinent requests or comments, please contact thebsdisinyourmouth@yahoo.com.


It's about that time to break forth the rhythm and the rhyme.
I'm a get mine, so get yours.
Seriously, the BSD is going to make some of those jackets.
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