Sometimes we don't know what we want but we still keep saying we want it now.
The BSD knows what you want. You want the BSD to approve some shit.
The BSD wants a throne, a Tottenham Top 4 finish, a case of cheap gin, some new jeans and tank tops, The Kills to perform at a party aboard the BSD's vessel, and DIQG's sweet nothings. Shanemas is right around the corner hint hint nudge nudge wink wink poke poke tug tug grab grab defile defile.

How rad is this sweater? With Autumn bearing down on our backs like the BSD on DIQG in the bathroom at Le Montana, the apres ski thing is always pretty hip. Look for the BSD to rock something similar very soon, and then put the love on your girlfriend. Don't hate the player, hate the fact that you're not the BSD. Approved.

The BSD likes Pusser and he likes Rum. Approved.

Yes. Come to my house. Feel the luxury. Take off your hot ass jacket and toss it to one side of the BSD's centrally located rotating circular bed. Also, if you'd like to toss aside your inhibitions and self respect, that would expedite things. Approved.
You know what they say about girls who smoke.

On that note, if you're going to do it, do it like a lady. And then let the BSD poke. Approved.

The BSD isn't quite sure, but he thinks he sees "Skank" written in there. If that's true, Approved.

Let's examine this picture in some detail. Chest hair- check. Necklace- check. Tank top- check. What might be DIQG rocking out- check. Notable absence of the BSD at this party- Not Approved.


Skating in the rain. Approved.
Being too cheap to get a cab. Not Approved.

Half-Cow, Half-Boy. Approved.

Bardot. Approved.

Yeah, right on. Shoes are cool, trench is pretty tight, white pants are cool. Still not sure about the slogan tee, though.

Sasha, that dirty look you're giving me means one of only two things- either we slept together and I never called you again despite repeated promises that I would take you to dinner, make you my "one and only" woman, and bring you along aboard TSSTGT on its first Transatlantic concubinal voyage, or we need to meet in the restroom immediately.

Kate Lanphear. Approved.
Rock on, baby.

Dree Hemingway, for multiple reasons including but not limited to our future children, you are Approved.

A great moment in Beard. Approved.

Kate. Please. I put you on here twice, and you still look like you are going to eat me. Very Downtown. Very Ice Queen. Daddy likes. I'd love the chance to deal with this. Still approved.

Alexa Chung, thankfully back on television. Thank you, Viacom, for your dedication to the BSD's compulsions and of-the-minute fixations. Approved.

GOOOOOOOO!!! WOOOOOOORRRKKK!! Leopard jacket, stripes, puncture-your-heart heels. Approved.

Have you ever seen a Merc with butterfly doors? The BSD has. Stuntin' is a habit, motherfucker. Approved.

Yeah, like Malcolm get me in the middle. Singularly because of Red Dress hotness on this piece, Isabelle McNally, who deserves her own post and will get it shortly (both a post and the BSD's pantler). Peep the shoes and the brevity of that dress. Yum. Also, dranking the Creature on animal skin? Approved.
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