It's recently come to the BSD's attention that bicycles are making a somewhat fashionable comeback amongst the poor, the downtrodden, the homeless, the ironic, the post-ironic, and the fashionable downtown art establishment, and therefore, deserves a deeper investigation.
New York City has recently almost completed (at least in Manhattan) bike friendly riding areas to the side of most streets, if not all, in an effort to minimize the amount of car traffic in the city. So, if it seems somewhat inevitable (albeit healthy and environmentally conscious, as well) that the BSD will in all likelihood ride a bike in the near future, he deems it necessary at this time to find a suitable riding vehicle.
Of course, in true BSD Style, he will ride Bearded, proud, upright, noble, intensely handsome, quasi-erotic, and mostly cowgirl-on-top, as is his wont. Enough about his sex life, though.
Bikes. Let's talk bikes.

Mission Bikes out of San Francisco is making some very sweet vessels. Peep the website to grab a taste- you can create your own bike, adding colors to any parts you'd like. I'd like to add a little "DIQG Black", "DIQG Pale Blue", and some custom "DIQG Pink" between my legs.

The all-black matte finish is tiiiiight. Top with leather studded jacket, shredded jeans, oversized metal tee, and some extremely expensive and rare jewels around my neck, and the BSD is straight pimpin'.

Also feeling the white tires.

This is a 1946 Schwinn Panther, ready to cruise through Venice Beach, holla'in at the honeys creepin on the BSD's superfly style.
As they scream at him, some fainting in the foreground, and those in the background blurred by the white hot heat of this staggering massacre of abstinence, like the Last Panty Dropper he slides through unhindered and beastly, generous with his magnetism, a God-King made Human through condescension. Picture the BSD rollin'.

Smooooooooooove. Quite simply, there are many stylish options currently available for the recreational bipedalist. It's all about defining personal style and coalescing with the environment around you. In NYC on the LES, I'd rock the matte black or one of the Mission Bikes, but get me in LA babies, and I'm on this last whip, shining like a motherfucker.
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