Love and hate. I've said it before and I'll say it again, capris aren't going to catch on. They are neither masculine, nor cut an attractive gib. They mess with mens' proportions. Unless you are Payne Stewart or a 17th century Colonist, this isn't going to work. That being said, love the cardigan because I know its cashmere and its a little bit ripped up which is rad. Like the BSD's shirt following a tussle with a Medieval Times serving wench in Myrtle Beach.

While sitting front row at Y-3, I was "treated" to this. This. The BSD was so upset, he walked right out into the lobby, punched an usher, knocked over the program stand, and continued out the door where his rage persisted. He dropped to his knees by the curbside, and piously, with great humility, looked towards a sky, towards a heaven, towards a greater being, in whom he had lost all faith, broke down, his head falling into his hands, and began to sob uncontrollably. "Why?!? Damn you, Why?!?" he screeched, banshee-like. A young lady noticed the BSD and his uncompromising sadness and knelt down next to him. He looked, blearily, into her eyes. Twenty minutes later, he emerged from the restroom of Milady's on Prince Street, his hair a mess and his face make-up smeared, played two games of pool, and went back into the restroom. When asked for comment, he could only reply, "I do not like fishnet on dudes." When the reporter asked again for a comment on his relations with the young lady who had nearly saved his life outside of the Y-3 debacle, he said, "A gentleman does not kiss, receive fellatio in a bathroom, sit on a toilet while a young woman rides him, then finish like a grizzly bear in her hair, and tell."

I guess offending Justin Timberlake is the masculine version of Kanye taking the mic from Taylor, but I'll be damned if I am going to sit by idly and watch William Rast make clothes for stout Mid-Westerners and try to pass it off as high fashion. See: 1+ inch cuffs, black shoes (might as well be square-toed), baggy jeans (with stonewash and fading?), and more plaid, plaid, plaid.

If someone can explain the fashion industry's fascination with Thom Browne (since two seasons ago, when he was more relevant) to the BSD, he will give you $50. If you can honestly make sense of what is happening above, and in the following 2 photos, the BSD will come to your house and pleasure your mom. I know we all fell in love with the short pants and ankle cleavage, but really I think Thom Browne has lost his goddamned mind. The BSD is confused. And it's not like the BSD doesn't appreciate an artsy, forward-thinking fashion show, it's just that this, this, is just reprehensible. Unless he's a costumer for the circus, in which case, carry on.

Wasn't this guy on Fat Albert?

I guess the funniest part of this is the shoes. I guess. The BSD says, "Stay off drugs and stay in school. Otherwise, you'll have to wear Thom Browne's latest collection."
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