This guy. I can't tell if those are espridilles or he mistakenly put on some lady shoes which were floating around backstage, but they look like they hurt. Also, I guess the gloves are a nice touch if your name is OJ and you just killed your wife and her lover. The bowtie? One word- alibi.

Lacoste did Lacoste. Again.

Though I very much like the leather jacket, my eyes can't be pulled away from the shoes. Aghast! The BSD had those shoes, made by Timberland, in 1996. I remember not getting laid for days.

I think I saw this guy at college. He reminds the BSD of every single dude I've seen in a while. Which begs the question- Why did Gilded Age have a fashion show? Shout out to Lauren Hinner, by the way. I see you giving that "all-too-familiar" look to the BSD. A mixture of yearning, lust, and wishing you weren't next to that guy.

Sometimes a fashion line will do something that is just incredible. Its either way advanced, or morbidly stupid. I'll categorize this young man's bow as the latter. Could the BSD rock it? Of course. During intercourse? I'll let you know.

Why Phillip Lim would present a leather shirt/shorts combo is beyond me. Its another one of those things designers try every season and I'm not sure its ever worked. I believe it was Einstein that said the definition of insanity is doing something once, realizing it doesn't work, and then doing it again. The BSD approves of leather, but only on ladies, rock stars, bovines, in pre-coital positionings, on walls, floors, black jackets, brown jackets, medium brown jackets, wallets, in colognes, on cavemen, car seats, reclining chairs, gloves, shoes, strap-ons, some kitchen utensils, Italian couches, casting couches, whips, Indiana Jones, The Darkness, Billy Dee Williams, certain hats... well shit, I guess almost anything but a shirt and shorts combo.

I think the outfit on the right was seen at every Ivy League school yesterday, a 3rd year reading aloud on the quad from his Philosophy textbook, trying to explain to a doe-eyed hopeful how Soren Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling isn't so much about the contrast between the Knight of Faith and the Knight of Infinite Resignation, but moreover is about the former not only relinquishing everything, but also trusting that he will receive it all back, his trust based on the "strength of the absurd". Judging from this outfit, the strength of the absurd is still quite strong. Judging from his tie, the strength of the absurd is a 13 year old.

Ah! Fear and Trembling indeed! I fear that the fly-collar was shown by Loden Dager and I am trembling that someone in the MidWest now believes that he has been fashion forward since 2004, showing up at weddings, often uninvited, believing that his fly collar is the single coolest get-up in the joint. I had a picture of me in 1995 at a dance, rocking a fly collar. I made sure it was destroyed.
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